Thursday, June 17, 2010

Online Shopping

After work today,, my super hard 3 1/2 hours of work! which i love, I did some online shopping for some good deals which I did find but not before I learned some new things!

1. I'm pretty sure I wore this in 1995, wait..... yes I did it was paired with leggings with stirrups!
2. Real people can't wear these shoes! That's not even a shoe that looks like a water slide for ants! this is a hot item for summer!.... not mine

3. I always found it embarrassing to have patches on my pants, apparently raggedy Ann is super in right now!

4. Laura Ingles Wilder would be a fashonista!!!
So I guess I'll be saving my money and not picking up these hot items! Very tempting!

1 comment:

  1. lol!! You are too funny!!!! Tip 101 for online shopping: go to and look for the store that you are going to make a purchase with and most of the time you can find great discounts!! For example-if you are wanting to stock up at "Bath and Body works" you can go under that website and find a code that will give you free shipping AND 40 % off any purchase!!! I am addicted to currentcodes!!! I love online shopping bc you don't even have to get the kids dressed or yourself-do it right in your pjs and no standing in line!!

    Love you-
