Sunday, May 29, 2011

What we've been doing,

So work basically consumes my life, but when I'm off we are making every minute count!

 More tree cutting!
 Equals tons of fires in the fire pit, you know on those cold summer SC nights... ha

 Watching the sunsets at the lake!

 Matthew joining me for my lunch break, my new daily look, khakis, tennis shoes, and collared shirts!

 Enjoying the lake!!!

my new furniture to redo, more on that soon!!

And of course, spending that first pay check!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mackinac Island

Maybe you've seen the commercials, maybe you've heard about it,

I get chill bumps during the commercial. There is no place more perfect for a vacation! It is hands down the best place ever to take kids! No cars, only bicycles and carriages!!! Just a giant island in Michigan!

It really is almost like Disney world! ha It's like a giant park! No one really considers Michigan as a pretty place or vacation place, I guess I wouldn't either, if I didn't know better!

It really is one of my fondest memories! I hope to take Matthew there one day because it's a neat experience that everyone should have!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our weekend

I guess since I'm still on vacation and Matthew's not working, every day is the weekend. That's going to change soon, probably tomorrow!

Friday, we went for a hike, and encountered a snake! AH!! I have never been that close to a snake in the wild, it was about an inch from my ankle! Oh lord!!!

Saturday, we helped Daddy cut down a tree and we worked from 12 to 6!! Wow I was tired and all bug bitten and bruised up...

 but it was so rewarding the yard looks so different! Im trying to find some pictures of the tree but its mostly just winter!

My poor baby gave us the worst scare! She wouldn't walk on her paw and it was all drawn up and stiff! I was so worried about her! She had some doggy meds and seems to be ok!

For all our hardwork we were rewarded with dinner and a movie! We saw Bridesmaids... I thought I'd hear nothing but groaning from Matthew but we both loved it, I did not stop laughing! Seriously the best movie in forever!! It was like watching Saturday Night Live! I love Kristen Wiig!

Last night we rented Little Fockers and our favorite movie as of now Country Strong!

It;s cloudy and yuck outside and I am looking forward to relaxing before I start my job! Check out this crazy cloud from Saturday!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


 Here's what I am loving today on this hot, humid day in Clemson!
I am loving that today was Matthew's last day of work! I am so proud of his decisions and changes! I know this will be one happy boy now that he's free of his jobs! And best of all, he's going back to school AS AN EDUCATION MAJOR!! I AM SO HAPPY! He could not have made a better choice!
I am loving how creepily I am obssessed with these two  haha! They are getting married this weekend and I so wish I could go!

Her ring!!! Wow

They seem like such down to earth people, I bet they would be so fun to hang out with! (I am such a creep) haha!

I am loving that I cleaned out my bedroom and prepping it for painting and re-doing! I am loving all these ideas!
I am loving these quilts, I am so blessed to have my grandmas!

That's what I am loving today!! Link up!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I got a job!

I got a job at a daycare in Easley! YAY, I had been really worried and stressing. Every place I called or went to wasn't hiring, this was the first time someone said they were hiring and she hired me on the spot!

I am very blessed and happy,It is really hard to imagine working every day, that may sound silly but I am used to laying out and swimming every day of summer, Not this year! Oh well!

I was also very pleased to get all my grades back and get all three A's and two B's, a real GPA boost!  I am glad for a good end to the semester!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

Annual Mother's day hike!

Happy Mothers Day to the most special lady in my life!! I love Mama more than imaginable, she is my best friend and my number one supporter! She knows exactly what I am thinking at all times and we are exactly alike! Love her!!

And.. my second Mama! I love her to the moon and back and want to thank her for all she always does for me!

Congrats to Angel on her graduation! Only have one picture..... cough Thanks Shannon!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dream house inspiration

One day- in the distant future- We will own a home! A girl can dream right?!

The Home Alone house - It's for sale!
This house is so pretty I love brick and screened in porches are so nice!

I am in love with this house it's so classic! I just love it!
I love Paula Deen's porch and her ferns!

This is from our new neighborhood in Clemson, Patrick Square, I am not really a fan of it considering lot size and the layout! But it does have a pond and I like the closeness of a neighborhood community! having kids to play with people to watch our kids, that meant a lot to me growing considering that my half my family isn't in this country and the other half is 16 hours away :)

Matthew and I have our absolute favorite house in Patrick Square, it is 100% perfect!!! I love it, but I can't find a good picture on the interent but ill snap one! It has a huge porch that wraps around and the driveway... PERFECTION...

One thing we agree on is the drive way, I am obsessed with grass drive ways!

This is my Grandma's house, well was. Wow that's starnge to say and makes my throat almost close up! Just like my house, it's siding and brick combo, I love the columns!

Of course- my personal favorite, the place I grew up, everything I know is here. Tears fill my eyes to think of leaving or losing this place. No one will ever know how I feel about this home. The good and bad, to me it's perfect!

"I know they say you can’t go home again
I just had to come back one last time
Ma’am I know you don’t know me from Adam
But these handprints on the front steps are mine"
-Miranda Lambert "The House that built me"