Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I am loving Wednesday!

Here's what I am loving on this gloomy looking Wednesday,

I am loving that I am done with my Art History class, Physical Science, and English! What a relief!

I am loving that we get to get of town this weekend and help my dad move! I don't mind a little elbow grease ;) I loooove going to Aiken, It's so pretty, I am not sure how great the schools are down there, but maybe one day we can live there! Although I'd prefer Charleston County schools ha!

I am excited about my new skirts on their way from L L Bean with free shipping...
I loove these tops! And they'd go good with my new skirts, Plus they are on sale, I refuse to pay full price ha! I find the best deal on everything I want.. I have the eagle eye when it comes to deals! My mama taught me well!

I've been devouring some easter candy ha..

Most of all I am loving my sweetheart!

What are you loving? Link up here.


1 comment:

  1. Very sweet blog, doll! You're from Charleston? I took a road trip there a few months back, and FELL IN LOVE!! Have a wonderful day :)
