Friday, November 27, 2009


We had such a great thanksgiving it was so nice! We at once at 12 and again at 4! We were stuffed like the turkey!!! It was so great to spend time together! Thank you Shannon, Mrs. Hostess!!

Thursday nght/ Friday morning we went crazy black friday shoppng! It was quite the adventure we went to old navy and walmart.. three times!! It was crazy packed!!!

It was a great holiday! Cant wait until Christmas!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Please Pray!

My grandma is back in the hospital for congestive heart failure!
Please pray for her!

Flash back to flashdance!!!

Wow what a great weekend!!

Matthew and I had been counting down to the weekend, with his new job the weekend is precious together time!! It started out with a bang! A trip to the Goodwill for our costumes! Addie and Matthew and I went out to eat and did some vintage shopping! It was so fun!!

Saturday we brought a man the only girl puppy, Lola! :( i held her the whole way she's the sweetest. When we gave her to the man i gave my last good bye and she gripped my hand like she was holding on for dear life... Of course as soon as we got in the car I balled like a teenage girl... Oh wait! I am haha still i felt pathetic!

Next I spent about four hours preparing my hair and costume. I burnt a hole in the ozone layer with all the hairspray I used!! it was soooo fun. Matthew was dying laughing we had the best time!! Angel's party was so fun the trail was very scarey!!! I haven't ever had so much fun looking ridiculous!!

Matthew and I took a fall tour of the colors and enjoyed the beautiful scenary! It was so fun!

Sadly it's back to the daily grind. I miss the weekend I miss Matthew :( I'm ready for Allison's shin dig :)

Have a Great week!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My water man!

Tomorrow is Matthew's first day of work! I'm so proud of him. And I wanted to take a few minutes to just show him how proud and happy I am!

Matthew you're the most hardworking, honest man! You are the world's best mechanic. You've mastered the British, the Swedish, the Japanese, The American, and my German! When ever there is a problem I know you'll fix it ...with your fair share of grunts screams and tool throwing! :) You can build anything and i know you'll make me anything I need! There's not one thing you can't do or would give you're all to learn. You're the round the house helper, a team player, and you're SO SMART! I could never half way understand half the things you and daddy talk about!

I know all these traits will help you tomorrow as you start your new journey! It might be rough, but we will get through it! It might be awesome and you love it!! I sure hope so! But always remember it will all be ok! I love you so much!

Pray for Matthew tomorrow! and give him a call to make sure he's up at 6 ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Erase, please!

I read a church sign the other day. That’s been sticking with me. It said Make your plans in pencil and let God have the eraser!
I thought that was a neat catchy saying. It made me think Woah! Slow down your not in control. You don’t get to write in Sharpie, it’s not your way or the highway! God has a plan for your life, he knows the way! He will teach you what to write in your plan, just like Exodus 4:12 says “Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”
This all just got me thinking! About how I need to keep my eyes open because God has his way for me and Matthew He will lead our steps! I need to be writing in pencil and letting God erase what he needs to!

Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.”

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Weekend!

Well we are just falling apart! Matthew fell on his wrist and now he's injured, I have some sort of cold sinus headache something! Hopefully we will get better soon!

We named the puppies, Franklin is the biggest boy, the franklin theme song soothed the puppy and that's how he earned that name the other boys are CJ and Texas after the jeep! And the girl is Lola! Papa has LuLu and I have twin great aunts named LuLu and Lola so now we have both of them! ha

Matthew and I can't decide what we want to be for Halloween I like Pirates! But we could also be 80's people or George Jones and Tammy Wynette! I want to be a genie like Jasy! ha

I hope we have a great week and so do yall! Pray for Matthew and his job!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

That's what we're doing these days!!

Ok, so first of all I deleted our beautiful old blog on accident so I'm trying to make up! I'm sure our millions of fans are so disappointed... cough...Shannon... haha!

Well sweet sweet Matthew has been building me presents left and right first my awesome puppet stage and now a beautiful trunk! Tomorrow is his physical for Easley Combined they are hoping he will start Monday!! So pray for him! How exciting

School School School !! That's all I ever do! I had an awesome field trip today for Teacher Cadet I learned alot of new stuff! Ths short week is dragging by though! I'm so glad tommorrow is Friday! Yippie!!! Jump for joy!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

OOPs!! Did i do that?!

I accidently deleted our blog! I know it takes a blonde to do something that dumb!! Laugh it up!

I'm really sad! I hope to make this one EVEN better!!