Monday, October 24, 2011

Things I hate...

Things I can't stand!
  1. Smacking - sets me over the edge every time!
  2. People I prefer to call "those that think they are awesome!"  newsflash- YOU'RE NOT!
  3. Ohio State, no USC, no Ohio State
  4. Burger King, McDonald's, Bojangles, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, Jack in the Box
  5. Girls who wear leggings as pants
  6. Annoying forwarded emails - NO I am not scrolling to the bottom
  7. Getting upset because I always cry
  8. Roller coasters
  9. Watching golf on tv
  10. Uncontrolled children ( I see this all the time at work, we know whose to blame...)
Things I love,
  1. Vegetables!
  2. The people that are close me!
  3. Babies, I looovee my babies at work its amazing to see them progress!
  4. School age children, their wonder and excitement and is so fun, I am so excited to teach!
  5. Decorating
  6. Making crafts, picture frames, and holiday stuff!
  7. Being in Nature and seeing all God's amazing creations!
  8. My 15 year old dog who is so old and senile
  9. Paula Deen, seriously everything she does is delicious!
  10. Having the ability to go to college, get a degree, and be a professional!

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