Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I'm loving Wednesday!

Link up with Jamie and play along!

Here's what I am loving ...

...that I only have one week left of work, but I will miss my babies so much, I really bonded with one little girl and I don't know how we will part!

...that we will be hopefully headed to the beach, I am beyond excited! I have seen the ocean every year some how, and I definetly need to be there!!

...the Price is Right! Plinko... need I say more? haha

...I love my Burts Bees shampoo, it smells so good and I can go longer between washes!

...My new flats from Old Navy! I looove nude shoes

...I got my make up for $21 instead of $40 with Ulta coupons and sales

...I am beyond obssessed with this song! Eric Church is the man! I mean I could not think of a better song! Matthew loves it too

...I am loving th rainbow we had two nights ago! It was beautiful

....I am loving my boy! i am so excited we will both be students this fall, and Education majors!!! YAY


  1. ahhh PLINKO!! made my day!!

  2. these are great loves! I always get the sale emails about ulta, but I always forget to bring them or have coupons when I go there. I'm the worst about store discounts and actually bringing them with me unless I really plan ahead.

  3. I love those Old Navy flats, I will be checking those out!

  4. THANK YOU that someone else is as in love with The Price is Right as much as I am! And, those flats are ADORABLE! You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!
