Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What I am loving Wednesday!!

First and most of all, I am loving that I am not at work ha!! However I am truely sick but any reason not to go to work is good with me!

I am looving Gatorade! what a life saver!

I am loving all the cars I am looking at, but I am not loving being car less at the moment!
I am loving this new chapstick I got at Walmart, two for $6 I like it so much better than regular, but it doesn't last as long as Burt's Bees!

I am loving these marshmallows I got for smores this weekend!! They work so good! I wish I invented those!

I am loving Kenny Chesney's summer time music!!!

I am ready to get to feeling better and head to the lake!

as always I am loving my cutie! Thanks for taking good care of me!


  1. Stopping by from WILW. Those marshmallows are awesome. They would go perfectly with the dark chocolate granola thins that made my list today. They taste just like chocolate covered graham crackers. These would be perfect sandwiched between a few. Yum. Happy Wednesday!

  2. been meaning to get myself some of that chapstick. i heard it's the

  3. Stopping by from WILW!

    I want to try that chapstick!!!

    Feel free to check me out at

  4. I've heard a lot of great things about that chapstick! I may have to try it. It's so cute :)

    Come link up with Thankful Thursday tomorrow and let us know what you're thankful for this week!

  5. Love all your loves and I am with Kenny C just screams summer time!
