Friday, February 25, 2011

LOVE her!!!

Seriously she is the cutest thing ever! She is so down to Earth, I mean she's ultra rich but still she is her same old self. She doesn't cook fancy or crazy things, She has her own way of saying stuff and is unapologtically herself! I love her. She is hilarious, my favorite thing she has said is Seafood should come toting a lemon, they need a little backpack with a lemon on it! hahaha

She has the most beautiful house and a line of furniture that is soo cute and southern!!

Her husband looks like a washed up sailor ha!! but she loves him and it's super cute!
I love her big hair, she's even pulled out her extensions and said yall need to get these! I mean she hides nothing ha! She even lost her pants one time!

I'd love her to be my adopted grandma, although me and Matthew would probably weigh 300 pounds, I can not wait to go back to her restaurant! I'd die if I ever got to meet her. Love you Paula!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

is that bad ?!

Is that bad doo doo doo ? ha! My favorite SNL skit is the Lawernce Welk show, It's hilarious.
Anyways back to my point!! One of her lines is is that bad? And That's my question today. Is it bad that I wish I had mono....hahahahahahaha not really but maybe a little, I'd love to sleep all day, I know it's a horrible sickness,

But lately I have no energy and I feel so drained. Me and Matthew have been walking at night which has been so good and hopefully that will help! I have let my school work slide and just been a bum.

Let's hope it gets better until then I'll be working my buns off to lose weight so I can win the cash from our Biggest Loser challenge... to buy....

Rainbows I lost on the boat!!

I love love all the floral prints for Spring!

These flats are all over the Lands end catalog,,, so cute! I wish I could afford all their clothes they are so clean, simple, and classic!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My new addiction...

I can not get enough of this CD!!!!!!!!!! I listen to it everyday driving to school, ah every song is so good. I am dancing the whole way! even Matthew likes a few songs, ha... he isn't too crazy about Jason Aldean's earrings! hahaha

Sunday, February 13, 2011